Our table. Your memories.
UM Catering considers it a privilege to be part of campus life, providing exceptional dining experiences and places for people to gather, study, socialize, grow, and live.
We provide you an exceptional dining experience with delicious, fresh foods, creative menus, and friendly, professional service. Whether your occasion is a small continental breakfast or a gala reception for hundreds of guests, our catering staff will provide a menu and service style to meet your needs. Our menu features local and regional favorites, and we're committed to customizing your dining experience to suit your unique occasion.
Our talented catering chefs have years of experience cooking around the country, the experience they use to create menus featuring local food through the UM Campus Dining Sustainability Program while integrating sustainable best practices.
Our catering staff is happy to meet with you to plan the details of your event, or you're welcome to explore our website for menus, policies, and pertinent logistical information.
We pride ourselves on providing flexible employment and leadership opportunities for students on campus, from working in the dish room to assisting in the production of large-scale banquets or even serving the mighty Griz fans during a football game. We provide an array of unique opportunities for student employees at the University of Montana Catering.
University of Montana Catering is delighted with the opportunity to bring staff, faculty, students, and various community partners together to aid in celebrating their incredible events, and we are excited to continue that tradition with the Missoula community for years to come. We relish the opportunity to assist with creating terrific your next unforgettable memory!

UM Catering is proud to serve a wide range of events in our vibrant Missoula valley and the surrounding area. From weddings to college reunions, outdoor garden parties to extravagant fundraisers, our staff of experienced chefs and adept student servers relish the opportunity to make your next event unforgettable.

UM Catering is thrilled to take advantage of UM Campus Dining’s numerous on-site gardens and sustainability initiatives in order to keep our offerings as fresh and as local as possible. Our partners as Campus Dining host two produce gardens, a greenhouse, a buzzing apiary, six Welsh Harlequin ducks, a microgreens growing facility, and even a small orchard. All told, these programs generate thousands of pounds of produce that UM Catering is honored to incorporate into our meals, minimizing the farm-to-table mileage for food which you can serve proudly and with the knowledge that your meal is both local and sustainable.
UM Catering employs a team of skilled and enthusiastic student waitstaff who, together with our team of world-class chefs, develop a refined taste for extraordinary service and Montana cuisine. Our catering program provides students with the opportunity to encounter a culture of culinary dedication and refinement in which they’ll forge indispensable connections and invaluable experiences on which they’ll rely wherever their journey takes them, whether they’re preparing and serving dishes rooted in our mountain home, or exploring the diverse world of global dining experiences. Our students are dedicated to fostering a team of tightly knit and incomparably impassioned staff, who cannot wait to imbue your next function with their particular and unrivaled touch, which only UM Catering can provide.

The dining experiences crafted by the chefs at UM Catering tap into everything you love about the University of Montana and even Missoula itself: honest cuisine, friendly faces, humble community, and that unwavering mountain spirit. We strive to instill each event with the character and memories you’ve come to expect from your college family, so that each meal shared is a homecoming to good food, warm smiles, and lasting connection.